Become a member of SurveySpot today. Joining the community is simple and FREE! Once you’re a member you can participate in surveys and you’ll have the opportunity to earn cash and other exciting rewards!
Eligibility :
Membership is FREE and members are rewarded for participating in interesting research studies for major companies around the world.
Membership of this online panel is open only to residents of the United States.
Benefits :
There are many ways to be rewarded when you share your opinion through SurveySpot: CASH, Gift Vouchers, Prize Drawings, and much more! Many surveys offer points which can be redeemed for cash via PayPal.
Joining Fees :
There is no charge for participation. They pay you!
How to Join :
Sorry this panel has been Closed and this is no longer accepting new panelists.
It’s very easy. Simply fill in your details on Survey Spot sign-up page. They’ll send you a link to the application form so you are able to confirm your membership.