i.think panel know the power of your opinion! By joining their panel and providing your feedback on products and services, you will have the ability to shape future products and services.
Once you register on their site and tell them a little bit about yourself, your preferences will be matched to unique survey opportunities. Take as many or as few surveys as you’d like and earn rewards for your input. The more survey opportunities you participate in, the more rewards you earn!
How can I get more survey invitations?
Each survey i Think panel send you is tailored to fit your interests and experience. They use the data you provided us when you registered, as well as your Profiles, to send you the most relevant surveys. Completing the Profiles from start to finish will allow them to serve up the most significant amount of pertinent surveys.
How do I redeem my account balance for rewards?
Once you have reached the minimum threshold required, a “Redemption” button will appear on your Rewards tab. Simply click on the “Redemption” button and you will be able to redeem your rewards. All redemptions will be fulfilled within 3-4 weeks.
What is My Account?
I Think panel know time is important to their busy panelists, so they have created a simple way for you to interact with them, manage your survey activity and profile information and keep track of your earned rewards.
Once you receive their confirmation e-mail and click on the link, you will be taken directly to your Survey Dashboard, where you will find quick links to your Rewards and My Account pages.
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