The purposes of market.econ are teaching and research about economics. The information you provide about yourself is used solely for these academic purposes. They collect your name and contact information primarily to facilitate communication with you.
They also want to make sure you get credit for any class exercises you may be assigned to do on this site. Finally, if you earn money, They need to know where to be able to send it!
Eligibility :
Anyone 18 years of age or older can participate and earn rewards! Open for worldwide panelists.
Benefits :
The cost of the study depends on the complexity of questions asked, and of their number. Reward for a completed application form can be from 1 to 15 or more dollars.
How many times do I register?
Sign up for their system can be only one time. In identifying the facts of double registrations, all of your profiles, except that which was originally designed to be removed.
Joining Fees :
There is no charge for participation. They pay you!
How to join :
Sorry this panel has been Closed and this is no longer accepting new panelists.
All you need to do – register on their site. If you’d like to join their subject pool and be eligible to participate in future experiments, you must first register.