Partners In GIVING is an online community of people created to provide consumers with a voice in the products and services they use every day.
Partners In GIVING is unique in the fact that the compensation participants are rewarded can be donated to a charity YOU choose.
Eligibility :
Membership is FREE and open to anyone who agrees to share their knowledge and honest opinion.
Benefits :
Each time you participate in an opinion research project, which can be a maximum of twelve times per year, the incentive money designated as a gratuity, honorarium or incentive to encourage your participation will be sent instead, in your name, to a respected charity to help the cause you specified in this registration.
Additionally, On-Line Communications will add one dollar to that amount for every survey conducted as our own contribution to that Charity in support of your efforts. Or the money will be sent from us directly to you if that is what you have chosen.
Joining Fees :
There is no charge for participation. They pay you!
How to join :
Sorry this panel has been Closed and this is no longer accepting new panelists.
By registering to be part of Partners In GIVING, not only are participants shaping the future of the products and services they use, but they are making a difference in the world by participating in charitable giving.