At SurveyBazar Survey Panel you have the opportunity to participate in research about topics that are of interest to you. Please be sure to fill out your entire profile so we can ensure you get surveys that are of interest to you.
Keep in mind all information is completely anonymous and your information is guaranteed in accordance with personal integrity laws and kept safe and encrypted at all times.
Eligibility :
Anyone 13 years of age or older can participate and earn rewards! Open for worldwide panelists.
Benefits :
For each survey you complete, you’ll receive TekPoints. Accumulate 1,000 TekPoints and you can redeem for $50 USD, in your local currency.
Even if you aren’t qualified for a specific online survey, you’ll still receive a small amount of TekPoints.
Payment :
To redeem your BazarPoints, login to your SurveyBazar account, select BazarPoints tab and click on Redeem. You will then be mailed a check to your address in your local currency.
You should receive a check within 4-6 weeks within North America and 6-8 weeks everywhere else.
Joining Fees :
There is no charge for participation. They pay you!
How to join :
Sorry this panel has been Closed and this is no longer accepting new panelists.