Trial Juries an online “mock jury” system. The jurors are all real people who meet the generally imposed requirements for jury service. We use a number of mechanisms to recruit a broad range of people from around the country to serve as our “virtual jurors”.
When you submit a case, we ask for the zip code in which it is pending. We then select a random group of jurors from the area surrounding that zip code to hear your case.
Eligibility :
You must be at least 18 years of age, be a United States citizen and not have been convicted of a felony.
Benefits :
In most cases, they’ll pay you $30. For more complex cases, we’ll pay you more. Payments are made via PayPal within a few days of your completion of your work on each case. Not only that — it’s interesting!
Joining Fees :
Nothing. You can sign up — and create user accounts for yourself and others in your law firm — for no cost at all. We’ll only charge you after you actually submit a case and the jury has returned its verdict.
How to join :
Sorry this panel has been Closed and this is no longer accepting new panelists.
Signing up for TrialJuries is easy. Once you sign up, you will be eligible to receive assignments and be a part of the “virtual juries” that review cases submitted by our participating law firms.