Get Paid For Your Opinions with Screenwise Panel
Screenwise Panel is a market research program owned and run on behalf of Google.
To help run the panel, Google has partnered with iPsos, which has been hired by Google to develop and manage the Screenwise Panel website and manage the panel. It is therefore important to them to reward their panelists as a thank-you for contribution to Screenwise Panel.

As we all knows, paid survey work is one of the easiest ways to earn money is by signing up for survey sites that offer rewards in cash or gift vouchers or any other mode for participating in paid survey questionnaires.
How much money can you make taking surveys with Screenwise?
You can easily make an extra $5-$50 per month or more by joining Screenwise Panel. Your survey earning could be $500 or more if you use more survey sites and strategies as we have mentioned in our tips and tricks articles. Online Paid Survey Job is an interesting work, and one you can do in your free time and from the comfort of your own home.
Now you can understand that you’re not going to earn a big amount of money by joining only Screenwise Panel. But if you are serious to take a good number of surveys each month then you should need to join more survey panels as much as you can, and with this you will able to make some extra money for your needs, for paying off debt, or for investing.
Before getting started you should need to get in touched or learn few basic things about paid surveys like, what the best survey panels are available right now, with ease how to earn with them, and most importantly you may read some tips and tricks that will help you to make enthusiast and alert you to get avoiding scams or spams.
Everyone 13 and older can participate with parent or guardian consent
Own a qualifying smartphone, be able to install software (such as a browser extension) on your main computer or be able to install an app on your smartphone. Use Google Chrome™ to browse the internet.
A reward comes when you complete the Register → Install → Activate process to become a panelist.
Each participant can earn money every week
Earn a $20 reward if you qualify for the study.
Earn a $100 reward if you join and install a special high-speed WiFi router that we’ll provide.
Earn up to $16/month Each household member age 13+ earns by joining with their own devices.
You will receive a reward of US $4 to $8 seven days after you sign up, download the Screenwise browser extension, and install the mobile meter. You’ll get an additional gift of US $1 to $2 every week for staying with it.
Joining Fees:
The Screenwise Panel is Free to Join.
How to Join:
There are four easy steps to becoming a member of the Screenwise Panel:
Stage 1 – Register
Stage 2 – Install the browser extension
Stage 3 – Activate
Stage 4 – Install the mobile app
Keep in Mind
You need to enter the six character code from your welcome letter. If you haven’t received your joining invitation letter, to get it contact today : Call at 1-888-355-9555 or you can email questions to